
BIG Project is co-funded by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) - and by National Funds of Greece and Italy under the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Italy 2007-2013.

Best practices

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Best practices2017-05-25T12:10:16+00:00

Handbook “Practices Repository” – Guida all’uso della “Practices Repository” – Guidelines for the management and valorization of Protected Areas – A wise, effective and efficient management of Nature 2000 protected areas requires a number of practices (tipi) that can be classified as:

o Practice: any actions performed by institutional and / or managerial subject; aimed at the good management of a protected area
o Good practice a practice that gave positive effects, which has been disseminated but not necessarily replicated
o Best practice a practice that gave positive effects, which has been replicated and disseminated

We have made a mining of practices for Nature 2000 areas conservation in the region addressed by the BIG project (BIG Region) and as general practices produced by international initiatives and organizations.

They were collected 298 documents divided into 16 best practices, 30 establishment decree, 10 good practices, 103 guidelines, 32 handbook, 65 regulation and 42 other type document.
Moreover, best and good practice documents were categorized by compiling informative sheets. When present, each file contains information about the protected area such as name, areal coverage, type of protection, IUCN category, habitats and most relevant species.
Documents and information sheets were gathered in an online repository ( in which:

– Documents inventory: the documents (pdf) are indexed according to the typology (B: best practices, E: establishment decree, G: good practices, GL: guidelines, H: handbook, R: regulation, O: other);

– Documents catalog: the informative sheets are listed by the name of the original document and the author (if unique) or the name of the protected area.

– In the folder “Guide to search the inventory” can be found, a tutorial of the repository, and three summary documents of best / good practices and guidelines contained in the repository.
